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Second Special lecture at Summer School
2015-07-18 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

At the invitation of English Department of CFL, Professor Shi Baohui, dean of Foreign Language School of Beijing Forestry University and chief of the school’s foreign linguistics and applied linguistics discipline, gave a lecture on “Some Experts’ Translated Versions and Accuracy in Translation” at the West Building on July 14. With a witty and humorous tone, he analyzed and corrected some improper translations from some press conferences, Chinese versions of Western literary works and English versions of Chinese novels by some distinguished translators. Professor Shi Baohui graduated from English Department of Beijing Language and Culture University in 1983, and received a Master’s degree in linguistics at Essex University, UK in 1987 and a PhD from Beijing Language and Culture University. His research mainly covers theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, education and teaching theory, and translation theory and practice, and he has published over 40 theses and 20 course books and translated versions.
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