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Foreign Language Institute Held Parents’ Meeting for 2016 Freshmen
2016-08-29 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

Parents’ Meeting for 2016 freshmenwas held by Yanbian University Foreign Language Institute in the western teaching building 104 class at 9:00 on August 29, 2016. This meeting associatedCollege Dean Zheng Xianri, College Party Committee Secretary Zhao Liang, College vice president Quan Yongnan, College vice presidentCui Xuebo, College Office Director Li Guanghe, Student WorkingOffice Director Pei Xianghua, Secretary College Communist Youth League Jin Chunxian. Professional secretary, director and counseling teachers also attended the parent meeting. The meeting presided over by Jin Chunxian, secretary of the Communist Youth League of the academy.

First of all, the College Party Committee Secretary Zhao Liang explained what students need to do in college, and how to make the children succeed, as well as the truth that the college needs the strong support and understanding of parents. After watching the proclamation film of foreign language school, Dean Zheng Xianri briefly introducedthe Foreign Language Institute and expressed his gratitude to the parents for their support and trust. Then, vice presidentCui Xuebointroduced the professional settings, undergraduate professional training and other aspects of education related issues in detail. Vice President Quan Yongnan introduced the information of international exchange and school-enterprise cooperation program as well as the major dispatch countries, schools and formsof exchange in detail. Finally, the student working office director Pei Xianghua introduced the students’ work, the common psychological confusion and problems that they will meet at all stages in college as well as the corresponding interventions. Various scholarship projects and assessment methods and college students’ conscription policy were also mentioned by Pei Xianghua. The Parents’ Meeting for 2016 freshmenof Yanbian University Foreign Language Institute was successfully closed.

This meeting hasbuilt an effective communication bridge for the college and the parents, it not only enhances the parents'understanding of the college but also develops the parents' confidence of the college students. It is a good beginning for the students to start college life.



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