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A Successful Organization of the Second English Dubbing Contest
2017-04-04 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

A Successful Organization of the Second English Dubbing Contest

The Second English Dubbing Contest of English Major was held at 6 o’clock on April 4th, 2017 after the vehement opening speech made by the presenters. The contest was held in the theater located on the third floor of the second canteen. The judges included Professor HongXuehua, HanQiang, LiHongmei as well as the foreign teachers, Megan and Sam. Besides, the distinguished guests of this contest were the vice-dean of Foreign Languages, CuiXuebo, the director of English major, JinMinghao, and some other English teachers—Ms CuiGuiying, JinLihua, CuiYanji, JinChunxian, the English major student teacher and GuoXiandan, the Japanese major student teacher.

The contents of this contest were colorful. The contestants adapted the original voice of their video and showed their best performance with their mutual cooperation. They decided the order of speech by drawing straws, and they were classified into six groups. The video contestants choices included TV series, movies and cartoons, which were novel and humorous to the audience. In addition, with the constant applause of the audience, the contestants were highly active and showed their artistic advantage greatly, making the roles they played vivid. What’s more, the half-time show put the atmosphere of happiness to the zenith.

After the judges seriously-making decision, Modern Family played by the 2016 Education Class won the first prize, Zootopia by 2016 Four Languages Class the second prize, and The Hobbit by 2016 Education Class won the third prize. The Excellence Award went to 2016 Four Languages Class for Kong Fu Panda, to 2016 Education Class for Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta, and to 2016 Literature Class for The Lord of the Rings. Additionally, YanLina, a student from the 2016 Education Class, and CuiXiang from the Four Languages Class won the Best Pronunciation Prize. JuXiangyi, a student from the 2016 Four Languages Class won the Best Performance Prize.

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