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A Symposium on the Situation of the Korean Peninsula and the Sino-Russian Cooperation in 2017 Convenes at YBU
2017-07-07 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

A Symposium on the Situation of the Korean Peninsula and the Sino-Russian Cooperation in 2017 Convenes at YBU

A symposium on the situation of the Korean Peninsula and the Sino-Russian cooperation in 2017 was co-hosted at Yanbian University on July 7thby the Russian Far Eastern Graduate Institute of the Northeast Asian Studies College and the College of Foreign Languages of YBU. The meeting involved over 20 experts and scholarsfrom the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center for international Studies of Far Eastern Federal University, the Korean Peninsula Regional Research Center of FEFU, Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tongji University, National University of Defense Technology, Jilin University, Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Science and Yanbian University.

The opening ceremony was chaired by Liu Feng, director of the Russian Far East Graduate Institute.Those who delivered speeches included Tie Chen, vice president of YBU; Hongpei Jin, head of the Department of Social Sciences;Meihua Cai, director of Co-lnnovation Center For Korean Peninsula Studies; Xianri Zheng, dean of CFL; and Shizhu Jin, dean of NASC.

During the one-day meeting, the experts and scholars focused on and made heated discussions about “the situation of the Korean Peninsula and the strategic balance of Northeast Asia”,“Sino-Russian cooperation and interaction on the related issues of the Korean Peninsula”, and “Sino-Russian policytowards the Korean Peninsula and its impacts on Northeastern countries”. Those who expressed their own opinions in the meeting took full advantage of their expertise to further analyze the current situation of the Korean Peninsula as well as the opportunities and challenges faced by China and Russia from the perspectives of international politics, military security, great-power diplomacy and economic cooperation. They also discussed the possibility and potential means of Sino-Russian cooperation on the Peninsula issue. The purpose of academic exchanges was achieved by the speeches with clear themes and detailed argument, brilliant remarks and warm discussions, which were widely praised by the attendees.

The meeting, following the symposium on “Sino-Russian cooperation and interaction under the new situation of the Korean Peninsula” held last year, is the second consecutive international academic exchange on China and Russia’s dealing with the evolution of the current situation of the Korean Peninsulaheld by Russian Far Eastern Graduate Institute, relying on our advantages in the research field of the Korean Peninsula. It succeeds in further improving the public awareness of YBU.



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