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Professor Jaklin Bernt of Stockholm University Gave A Special Lecture on Japanese Anime
2017-07-20 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

Professor Jaklin Bernt of Stockholm University Gave A Special Lecture on Japanese Anime

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan the Department of Japanese, College of Foreign Languages of our school, sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in Shenyang, invited Jaklin Bernt , professor of Japanese Language, Nippon Glottology Department, Stockholm University in Sweden, to make a special lecture on Japanese Anime at the Academic Hall on the 7th floor of the Comprehensive Building at 5:30 p.m. on July 20th, 2017. The lecture involved consul generalHidekiShizuka, consul ShizukaHideki and consul Nobuya kashiwakura of the Consulate General of Japan in Shenyang, Dean Xianri Zheng and sub decanal Yongnan Quan of YBU as well as over 150 teachers and students.

After HidekiShizuka, consul generalof Consulate General of Japan in Shenyang delivered an opening address, Professor Jaklin Bernt illustrated the features of and pointed out the problems in the research of Japanese manga and anime with substantial examples. He also elaborated the importance of the research of Japanese anime to that of Japanese culture. Later, the professor made a detailed and accurate answer to the students’ questions raised on the spot.

At the end, sub decanal Yongnan Quan expressed great gratitude for the strong support of our school’s development of studying Japanese from Professor Jaklin Bernt and the Consulate General of Japan in Shenyang. This lecture has improved the students’ understanding of Japanese culture and had a positive impact on building a rich campus learning atmosphere and strengthened the construction of study style of our school.



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