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Workshop of American English Expert Education was Held by College of Foreign Languages Successfully
2017-11-29 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

Workshop of American English Expert Education was Held by College of Foreign Languages Successfully

On November 29, 2017, in order to meet the needs of professional development of foreign language teachers and curriculum reform, International Exchange and Cooperation College and Foreign Language College invited American English expert and Northeast Normal University foreign teacher Heidi Healy to give a lecture with the theme of "Supporting Students through the Writing Process". English teachers and graduate students took part in this activity in a simulated classroom.

The workshop was chaired by Cui Xuebo, vice president of College of Foreign Languages. First, Ms. Healy introduced the core content of second language writing, including the importance of English writing, structure characteristics, cognitive and social cultural characteristics. Then, she introduced the process of English writing, teaching procedures and activities design. Finally, she required that teachers reflect the individual teaching process and discussed how to apply teaching theory into practice. Those who took part in this activity were full of enthusiasm.

The purpose of this activity was to understand the core content of second language writing and find out the way to improve students in different activities during the writing process and how to adjust teaching methods according to the teaching environment. Teachers believed that this activity was of great help, which was both full of information and enlightened the design of English writing. In the future, College of Foreign Languages will continue to organize such activities and invite English experts to our school.

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