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Successful Organization of the 11th English Drama Contest
2017-12-04 澳门银河 阅读次数: 澳门银河

Successful Organization of the 11th English Drama Contest

The 11th English Drama Contest, hosted by the English Department, began at our school’s theater on the third floor of the second cafeteria on December 4, 2017. The judges included Deputy Dean Cui Xuebo, Professor Nan Chengyu, Piao Yuming, Hong Xuehua as well as foreign teachers Sam and Megan. Those who attended the ceremony included Dean Zheng Xianri, Secretary An Fengcun, Director Jin Minghao, Director of the Student Affairs and Student Counsellor Jin Chunxian as well as six teachers.

The contest began with introduction videos of each class. Following the theme of the classic dramas of Shakespeare, all classes did their best to annotate the classics from various perspectives, which won resounding rounds of applause. After fierce competition, the result was declared. Twelfth Night by Four Language Class of the third grade was awarded the first prize in the group contest. The Merchant of Venice by Literature class of the third grade and the King Lear by Education Class of the third grade were awarded the second prize. A Midsummer Night’s Dreamby the literature class of the second grade, The Merchant of Venice by Education Class of the second grade and Romeo and Juliet by Four Language class of the second grade were awarded the third prize. Cai Qi, a 2015 English major, won the Best Actor. Li Meixian, a 2015 English major, won the Best Actress. Xuan Chunyu won the Best Supporting Actor. An Jihua won the Best Supporting Actress. Yan Lina won the Best Pronunciation. Jin Huiying won the Best Director. Finally, foreign teachers Sam and Megan made relevant comments on the contest.

This drama contest improved students’ cultural cultivation, deepened their understanding of the British and American culture, broadened their horizon and increased their cohesion.

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